By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
John Force Racing has officially announced its plans for the 2021 Camping World NHRA Drag Racing Series. The team will return following a hiatus in 2020.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, John Force Racing took a back seat while other teams competed when the NHRA resumed in July. The legendary team competed in the first two events in 2020 before being shut down.

The 2021 lineup will feature living legend John Force, Robert Hight, and Brittany Force. Notably missing is Austin Prock. The announcement did not include Prock or his plans for the 2021 season.
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“Thank you to all of our sponsors and fans for sticking by us. I realized how much I love this sport and I appreciate the chance to get back into my PEAK / BlueDEF Chevrolet,” said owner and CEO John Force. “We’re excited to be back racing and to have all of our sponsors with us. I’m looking forward to working with Camping World and can’t wait to see where the sport goes with them on board.”
We reported earlier this month that John Force Racing would return to the series. Brittany Force let the cat out of the bag during a Supercross interview at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.
Living legend Force will work with tuners Danny Hood and Tim Fabrisi as crew chiefs in his PEAK/BlueDEF entry. John Force Racing President Robert Hight will continue to work with crew chiefs Jimmy Prock and Chris Cunningham in the AAA of Southern California Funny Car.
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“I’m looking forward to getting back to going rounds and winning races with this Auto Club team,” Hight said. “I know Jimmy [Prock] and Chris [Cunningham] and all our Auto Club guys are excited and ready to get going. I’m happy to be continuing John Force Racing’s over 20-year partnership with AAA and ultimately going after another championship.”
Monster Energy/Flav-R-Pac Top Fuel Dragster pilot Brittany Force will continue to work with David Grubnic and Mac Savage.
“I can’t wait to get back to the racetrack with my Monster Energy / Flav-R-Pac team,” Brittany Force said. “We’ll be chasing down our first win of the season right out of the gate. This year I’m looking forward to racing in Seattle with Frank Tiegs and Flav-R-Pac as the title sponsor.”
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