Monday, February 10, 2025

Keith Szabo has passed away

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By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher

Drag Racer Keith Szabo has passed away, according to a Facebook post that he shared with his wife. An official cause of death has not been announced yet.

His wife Tracy said that he was sick for a while. It is not clear when Szabo got sick.

Death (Photo by Pixabay)

“I would like to thank everyone for your phone calls, texts, and Facebook messages,” Tracey Szabo said in the post. “It fills my heart knowing so many people cared and respected my husband. He fought like hell to stay with us. Unfortunately, he passed away at 1:10 pm this afternoon. “I don’t know how to live without him. He was my everything! Good speed my Shootout King.”

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According to a Facebook post on the page that he shared with his wife, she wrote at 12:36 pm EST on May 4th, “To all of Keith’s family, friends, and racing community, I don’t know how to say this and I can’t believe I have to, but the love of my life has been sick for a while now. He is in hospice and coming home today to spend what time he has left with his family.”

Szabo was a part of the No Prep community. He was considered one of the toughest competitors on small tires in the entire country.

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He was the owner of Szabo Performance Parts in Gainesville, Georgia. The last post on the company’s Facebook page was an attempt to sell a Pro Mod Converter at the end of April.

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He is survived by his wife Tracey and two sons.

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Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III is the Publisher of The Capital Sports Report. He has been in the Journalism field since August 2002. Since that time, Mr. Caruso has covered many marquee events. This includes 13 Heisman Trophy ceremonies, 2 Little World Series events, and one Army-Navy College Football game.
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