By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
The 405 is dominating The Great 8 so far. There have been five races in this series and they have won four of them.
Ryan Martin won on Friday night in the final round at Beech Bend Raceway in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He defeated Kye Kelley in the final round.

This Martin and Kelley final round is becoming familiar. This is the third time that it has happened so far.
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The previous two other times, it was during the Invitational. Martin won both of those races.
Martin defeated Kelley at the Invitational at New England Dragway in Epping, New Hampshire. Then, after a week off for the Memorial Day weekend, the Oklahoma native then defeated Kelley at National Trail Raceway in Hebron, Ohio.
With the win, Martin increased his lead. He now has 220 points.
Kelley is just 20 points behind the leader. The Mississippi native now has 200 points.
Martin also won The Great 8 during the first points race at Virginia Motorsports Park in North Dinwiddie, Virginia. He defeated Jerry Bird in that final round.
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“Daddy Dave” Comstock won the next two Great 8 races. He won the postponed Great 8 from Maple Grove Raceway at New England Dragway in Epping, New Hampshire.
Then, hours later, Comstock secured his second Great 8 win for the New England Dragway filming race.
Lizzy Musi is the only other Great 8 winner. She won the Hebron Great 8 race over Kelley.
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