Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is the championship game for the NFL. This is the final game of the season.

The Super Bowl is one of the most-watched TV events of the year. Companies pay millions of dollars to have their ads air during this three-plus-hour event.

Football (Photo by Pixabay)

The first Super Bowl started following the 1966 season. The game was created due to the merger agreement between the NFL and the American Football League.

The big game has been played in February since 2004. Previously, the game was played at some point in January.

The winner of this game receives the Vince Lombardi Trophy. The trophy is named after legendary coach Vince Lombardi, who guided his Green Bay Packers teams to the first two Super Bowls.

The game was originally known as the AFL-NFL World Championship game. However, the game was officially adopted as the Super Bowl following Super Bowl III.

Outside of Thanksgiving, the Super Bowl is the second-largest day of food consumption in the United States.

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