By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Reigning Top Fuel Champion Steve Torrence traded in his fire suit on Saturday. He got married.
He married the former Natalie Jahnke in Texas. The two got engaged earlier this year in January.

“Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together,” a post said on Steve Torrence’s Facebook page referring to Matthew 19:6. The two have been dating for the last few years.
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Jahnke normally joins Torrence on the NHRA tour. She handles the social media for Torrence.
In addition, she works with several clients in the NHRA. Jahnke has been on the tour for several years.
She previously worked for Gray Motorsports, handling public relations for Tanner Gray. In the original 2020 NHRA schedule, this weekend would have been an off weekend.
However, the teams have been off since February with no racing. The NHRA completed two events before the global coronavirus pandemic shut down the sports world and stopped mass gatherings.
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The governing body is not expected to resume until August with fans.
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