Thursday, February 13, 2025

Spotlight: NFL player Mike Basca

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By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher

In this spotlight story, we feature former NFL player Mike Basca. He was commonly known as “Nick” Basca.

The former Villanova Wildcats player played one season in the NFL with the Philadelphia Eagles. He played with the Birds during the 1941 season. Following his one season in the league, he elected to enlist in the military.

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He joined the Army following the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. The Phoenixville, Pennsylvania native became a tank commander in the 4th Armored Division.

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He was in the military from 1941 through 1944. He served in World War II, the Western Front, and the Western Allied Invasion of France.

Sadly, Basca lost his life when the tank that he was in was struck by a German 88-millimeter anti-tank during the Western Allied Invasion of France. Basca is honored at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in their Wartime Heroes display.

He was an HB in the Eagles system. Basca had 15 carries for 44 yards and a touchdown.

He also had two receptions for 45 yards. However, he was used mainly as a kicker, where he made 1 of 2 field goals.

He also made nine extra points.

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Plus, he also had 10 punts for 348 yards. He averaged 34.8 yards per punt.

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Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III is the Publisher of The Capital Sports Report. He has been in the Journalism field since August 2002. Since that time, Mr. Caruso has covered many marquee events. This includes 13 Heisman Trophy ceremonies, 2 Little World Series events, and one Army-Navy College Football game.
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