Monday, February 10, 2025

PDRA member Ken Kershaw has passed away

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By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher

A member of the PDRA (Professional Drag Racing Association) community has passed away. Ken Kershaw has died.

An official cause of death has not been announced yet. However, he had been in the hospital for weeks battling COVID-19.

Death (Photo by Pixabay)

“It’s with a heavy heart that I have to tell everyone that Ken Kershaw has passed away this morning,” Tracy Ross Anderson announced in a Facebook post. “Sandy Galloway-Kershaw asked me to let everyone know and she will let us all know when his services will be. Ken fought very hard to beat this. She can’t thank all of you enough for your support and is very moved by all the love shown toward Ken.

“Please keep his family in your prayers.”

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He is the third member to pass away from COVID-19 in the drag racing community. All three came since the beginning of the New Year.

First, drag racer Tim Slavens lost his life after battling the disease. Then, recently, Street Outlaws driver and former Monster Truck driver Wayne Smozanek passed away.

Slavens passed away in January. Smozanek passed away last weekend.

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Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III is the Publisher of The Capital Sports Report. He has been in the Journalism field since August 2002. Since that time, Mr. Caruso has covered many marquee events. This includes 13 Heisman Trophy ceremonies, 2 Little World Series events, and one Army-Navy College Football game.
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