By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Street Outlaws No Prep Kings star James “Doc” Love is not having a good start to the 2022 season. In fact, he has struggled with his new car.
Love went into a partnership with “The Viking” in the off-season. He re-named the car as “Heavy Metal.”

He has competed in three of the four Invitationals since the partnership on the new car began.
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“Well it’s no secret we’ve been on the struggle bus with the new Nova lately,” Street Beast Doc said in a Facebook post. “Today, we finally exorcized the chassis demons and hit the sweet spot with the suspension. And let me tell you what, this car is fugging fast!!!!! Made it all the way to the finals of Outlaw Big tire with Larry Larson. For some reason, the Lenco didn’t shift into 3rd gear and I hit 10k in the burnout before I could even react, kicking out a rod or two in the process.
“First major blower motor failure for me. This one is gonna hurt. Thanks (to) my awesome team of never give up guys for sticking with me till we got her figured out. Now back to Pa (Pennsylvania) to pull the engine and assess the damage and try to make 1 good bullet out of 2 damaged ones. Pics of the carnage to come as soon as I get to Pa and get the engine out. Congratulations to Ryan for the event win, Larry for the OBT (Outlaw Big Tire) win, Robin for the Maple Grove carry-over win, and Daddy Dave for the back-to-back Great 8 wins. But most of all, thank all of our amazing New England area fans for making this the greatest show in drag racing. Love you all.”
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Love will attempt to qualify for the upcoming Street Outlaws No Prep Kings filming at National Trail Raceway in Hebron, Ohio. Pilgrim Studios will be filming on the grounds on June 3rd and 4th for the Discovery Channel.
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