Saturday, February 15, 2025

UCW Management: Fans sickened by UCW Crucifixion

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By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher

The Ultimate Championship Wrestling organization has apologized for the actions of their employees recently. The members of The Coven had a crucifixion at a live event on Saturday night.

UCW Management said that the actions of The Coven left the fans ‘in shock and disgust.’ UCW said that they were investigating the matter.

The Coven’s Crucifixion
The Coven’s Crucifixion (Photo by Bay Slammer/Facebook)

“UCW is sickened by the acts of The Coven this past Saturday night,” the organization said in a statement. “When UCW moved to the current UCW Arena in Saginaw (Michigan), there was a ‘person’ living in the rafters, this person turned out to be who we now know as Sean Tyler. Unfortunately, due to the squatters rights in Michigan, UCW has been restricted on kicking Sean Tyler out of the rafters of the UCW Arena. With the recent incidents, The Convent has committed, We at Ultimate Championship Wrestling are committed on dealing out as harsh as a punishment as possible on Sean Tyler, Nikki Ratu, Sinn, and Spawn.

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“As seen in the picture, Ratu, Spawn, and Sinn held (UCW Premier Champion Ace) Evans down for Sean Tyler to hammer a nail through Evans’ hand. All will be held accountable for what appears to have been a pre-planned stunt of blasphemy. We apologize for anyone who was offended by The Coven’s actions and UCW will go to great lengths to insure The Coven does not commit anymore attacks based on their beliefs.”

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We do not know what the punishment is, as that was not mentioned in the post. We also do not know how severe the injury is to Evans’ hand.

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Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III is the Publisher of The Capital Sports Report. He has been in the Journalism field since August 2002. Since that time, Mr. Caruso has covered many marquee events. This includes 13 Heisman Trophy ceremonies, 2 Little World Series events, and one Army-Navy College Football game.
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