By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
College football has lost a great coach. Joe Paterno, the legendary Penn State head football coach, has passed away.
An official cause of death has not been announced yet. He was 85.

The family released a statement announcing his death a short time ago. Just yesterday, his wife called the family and friends to the hospital for him to say a final goodbye.
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He was in the hospital in recent days for being treated for lung cancer. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in mid-November after a bronchial illness.
He has had a black mark on his name in recent months due to the case against former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. This led to him losing his job in November.
But he should be forever remembered for what he’s done for the football team and around Happy Valley. He has given $4 million dollars back to the school.
As a college football head coach, all with the Nittany Lions from 1966 through 2011, he went 409-136-3. He also went 24-12-1 in Bowl games.
He guided the Nittany Lions to two National Championships in 1982 and 1986. He also helped guide the Nittany Lions to three Big Ten Championships in 1994, 2005, and 2009.
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Paterno was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 2007. Throughout his career, he has won many Coach of the Year Awards.
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