By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Former West Virginia Mountaineers head coach Bill Stewart has passed away. He was 59.
An official cause of death has not been announced yet. However, according to reports, he passed away while on a golf outing.

He was reportedly golfing at the time at Stonewall Jackson Resort in Roanoke, Virginia. He was there during a benefit for the West Virginia Hospitality and Travel Association.
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“Coach Stewart was a rock-solid West Virginian and a true Mountaineer,” athletic director Oliver Luck said in a statement released by the university. “His enthusiasm and passion for his state’s flagship university was infectious. We join all Mountaineers in mourning his passing.”
As he was commonly known, Stew was golfing with his friend Ed Pastilong, the Mountaineers’ former Athletic Director. After having a medical emergency, he was transported to a nearby hospital, where he passed away a short time later.
Stewart became the Mountaineers’ head coach when Rich Rodriguez left the school to become the Michigan Wolverines’ head coach in 2007. As the head coach, he went 28-12 before a messy exit.
He allegedly asked a reporter to investigate the personal life of Dana Holgorsen in June 2011. At the time, Holgorsen was the school’s coach-in-waiting and the Mountaineers’ offensive coordinator.
Once Stewart was fired, Holgorsen was named the school’s football head coach.
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“Mountaineer nation is truly saddened today to learn of the untimely passing of Coach Bill Stewart,” said West Virginia University president Jim Clements. “Our hearts go out to the Stewart family and Bill’s many friends. He was a compassionate, energetic, and kind person. He loved his family dearly and was extremely community-oriented and very giving of his time. He will be greatly missed.”
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