By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Former Major League Baseball pitcher Matt Mantei appeared on Counting Cars on A&E.
Mantei was featured on the show entitled “Major League Muscle.” The show first aired at 9:30 pm eastern Tuesday night, then re-aired on Wednesday morning at 1:30 am.

In the show, Mantei commissioned Danny Koker’s shop Count’s Kustoms in Las Vegas, Nevada to build a truck for the former pitcher. Koker’s team worked on a silver 1953 Chevy pick up for Mantei.
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The former pitcher asked Koker and his team to put his wife, two kids and his self on the truck in skulls. He wanted to be on one side with his son, while his wife and daughter would appear on the hood of the car.
In addition on the inside of the hood, he had a special message for his mother. Mantei lost his mother to cancer in 1994.
The 40-year-old last played baseball in 2005 with the Boston Red Sox. Prior to arriving in Boston, he played five years with the Arizona Diamondbacks from 1999 through 2004.
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He also pitched for the Florida Marlins, now the Miami Marlins, from 1995 through 1999. In his ten-year career, he was 14-18 with a 4.07 ERA, including 93 saves in 322.7 innings.
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