By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Aaron Hernandez was once a talented football player. Now, he’s going to be known as a murderer.
Hernandez was found guilty of the first-degree murder of Odin Lloyd in June 2013. The 25-year-old will spend the rest of his life in jail.

The news comes just days after a former NFL player Lawrence Phillips is accused of killing his cellmate in California.
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Lloyd was found dead on June 18th, 2013 in an industrial park, just a mile away from Hernandez’s house with multiple gunshot wounds, especially to the back and to the chest. Following his body being found, Hernandez was linked to Lloyd almost immediately.
Two days later, Hernandez tried to escape the media by going to Gillette Stadium. However, the team barred him from going there, and he was later released by the team after just three years.
During his tenure, he had 175 receptions and 1,956 yards in three years over 34 games. He also had 18 touchdowns.
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On August 22, 2013, he was indicted by a grand jury in the murder of Lloyd. However, less than a month later on September 6th, 2013, he was arraigned and pled not guilty of first-degree murder.
The prosecution did not have a weapon or a witness in the case. There was gaps in the case; however, there was links that also tied others to criminal charges.
Even his attorney has said that he was there at the scene when Lloyd was killed.
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