By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
The NFL had to reconstruct its schedule due to the Baltimore Ravens. The Ravens are dealing with a coronavirus outbreak within its team.
Baltimore has had 13 combined players and staff members to test positive for the infectious virus. All members who have tested positive for the coronavirus are in isolation.

There’s a report that suggests all these positive tests may have come from a staff member, who did not wear a mask on the sidelines.
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The players — who have tested positive for the virus — could be out of the league for upwards of two weeks. They will have to have two negative tests 24 hours apart from each other to be able to return.
The Ravens and Pittsburgh Steelers game — which was originally scheduled for Thanksgiving Day — has been moved again. Following positive tests on Wednesday, the game was moved to Saturday afternoon.
Now, the two teams will do battle on Tuesday, December 1st at 8 pm EST at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Ravens are going to play the Steelers with a bare-bones offensive unit. Lamar Jackson, Mark Ingram, and J.K. Dobbins will miss the game after contracting the virus.
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Robert Griffin III is expected to start the game for the first time this season as Baltimore tries to get the win despite missing a lot of players.
A follow-up game that was scheduled for Thursday, December 3rd had to be moved, as well. The Ravens were scheduled to play the Dallas Cowboys at M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore, Maryland.
Now, the game has been rescheduled for 5 pm EST on Monday, December 7th.
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