By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Oklahoma Sooners head coach Lincoln Riley says that he will not be the LSU Tigers‘ next head coach. Ed Orgeron coached his final game with the Tigers on Saturday night.
The team closed the Orgeron era with a comeback win over the Texas A&M Aggies. LSU entered into a separation agreement with Orgeron back in October.

There has been speculation that Riley may be a candidate for the job. However, following the Sooners loss to rival Oklahoma State Cowboys on Saturday night, he denied interest in the job.
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“I’m not going to be the next head coach at LSU,” Riley said.
The 38-year-old has been the Sooners head coach since the 2017 season. Two years prior to being promoted to the job following Bob Stoops retirement, Riley was the team’s offensive coordinator.
He is 55-10 with the Sooners. The team is 10-2 this season.
With the win over the Aggies, the Tigers became Bowl eligible. This may give Orgeron one more game to close out his tenure at the school.
Riley has been mentioned for many jobs in college football and in the NFL. However, he has remained loyal to the Sooners program.
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After his denial of the Tigers program, it appears like he has ended yet another cycle, where his name has come up in links to other jobs.
Riley is making $7.6 million this season with the Sooners.
“No concerns about our administration, our AD, our president,” Riley said. “We’ve been through a lot together. This isn’t our first rodeo together. So we always have conversations about the future and certainly with all that’s changing right now on the college landscape, all that’s getting ready to change.
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