By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Some Street Outlaws No Prep Kings stars are taking the Memorial Day weekend off. Others are continuing to race before they begin a grueling four-week stretch in June.
For Kye Kelley, who is one of the Championship contenders, he has a grudge race for this weekend. He is racing Jonathan “JJ DaBoss” Day in the final event at Memphis International Raceway in Millington, Tennessee.

Kelley and JJ DaBoss have a bet for $5,000. The Mississippi native also said that JJ would owe him $1,000 if he backs out.
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“Man, I had to jump on here because I had to get something off my chest,” Kelley said in a Facebook Live stream. “I didn’t even know them country a** Memphis people had WIFI where they live but apparently, JJ DaBoss done figured out WIFI and found the Facebook LIVE button and called me ‘Cry Kelley.’ One thing about me is Kye don’t cry. Just because my name rhymes with cry, it is what it is. People think they’re comedians. There’s a lot of comedians without jobs.
“But hey, I’ll take that. One thing JJ ain’t gonna do is make me cry. I’m damn sure not a sissy. It doesn’t matter if he rubs ZipTie 4.0, 6.0, 8.0; how ever many ZipTie’s he’s got, Hummingbird 3.0, 4.0, 5.0… I don’t give a damn. You can add all those cars together and they cant whip Show Stopper.”
He also said that if JJ DaBoss ran off the tree, Kelley would give him the back tire. This means the Memphis will get a heads start.
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“I believe I can give him the back tire and can outrun him,” Kelley added. “That’s what I think. I said that and I’ll stick to it.”
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