By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
ECM Speedway in Bremen, Alabama has canceled its season. No reason was provided for their announcement.
There was a post with the news on their Facebook page.

“Season has been cancelled,” the track said in the post. “At this time, stay tuned for any updates.”
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The post was shared nearly 348 times. However, there were no comments on the post to see exactly what led to this decision.
ECM Speedway is a 3/8th-mile dirt track. They claim to be the “smoothest track in the South!,” according to their Twitter account.
In their previous Facebook post, ECM Speedway said that there were going to be no engine swaps in the Buzz Class at the track this season. Then they announced a suspension.
“Joey Wray has been banned for the rest of the season at ECM Speedway,” the post said. “We will not tolerate another person putting [their] hands on another person period while we have the track this season.”
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It appears that their last race before the shutdown came on Saturday, June 4th, 2022.
The drivers, who competed at this track, will have to compete at another local track near them, or unless they’re a big budget team, travel further away to get their racing fix. It is not clear how many teams were impacted by this decision by the management of the track.
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