By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Street Outlaws No Prep Kings stars Kye Kelley and Lizzy Musi’s hopes have been answered. The couple wanted to get Lizzy into the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
On Friday, Kelley put out a plea on social media with his hopes. Musi also shared a social media story on Saturday.

“She got in,” Kelley said in a Facebook post on Monday night. “First appt (appointment) in the morning. Thanks to the unbelievable amount of folks that reached out and helped make it happen. MD Anderson Cancer Center here we come.”
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Musi announced on Friday in a heartbreaking video that she has Stage 4 Breast Cancer. She began chemotherapy on Friday after having a port installed in her chest.
Kelley and Musi are hoping to get a clinical trial by going to the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
“Time to get better now,” Scott Taylor Motorsports said in a comment to Kelley’s post.
At this time, Musi’s health is taking priority over her racing career. It is not clear if she will be able to compete in the upcoming Street Outlaws No Prep Kings tour that begins in June.
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MD Anderson Cancer Center is considered the best cancer facility in the country. The couple will make a nearly 400-mile trip from Mississippi to Houston, Texas over five hours to get additional help.
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