By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
The Cleveland Cavaliers have made a blockbuster deal to acquire Ben Wallace in a multi-team trade. This deal also includes the Seattle SuperSonics and the Chicago Bulls.
The Cavaliers also added Joe Smith from the Bulls. Cleveland also added Wally Szczerbiak and Delonte West from the SuperSonics.

Cleveland had to make tough decisions in this deal. Larry Hughes, Drew Gooden, Cedric Simmons, and Shannon Brown were traded to the Bulls.
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In addition, Ira Newble and Donyell Marshall were traded to the SuperSonics. This blockbuster deal also saw the Cavaliers receiving the Bulls’ 2009 second-round draft pick. Adrian Griffin was traded to the SuperSonics.
“Our primary goal with this deal is to create a positive impact as we head through the final stretch of the season and into the playoffs,” Cavaliers GM Danny Ferry said in a statement. “We were very methodical in the process to make sure it was the best deal possible for this team. We’re very excited about what these players bring to us by adding a new dimension, and that we were able to impact this team without compromising future draft picks.
“This again demonstrates Dan Gilbert’s dedication to this organization and city. At the same time, we have great respect for the guys that are leaving us and feel like they all contributed to our success.”
Ferry decided to break up his team because he admitted that he did not believe that the team was of championship caliber.
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“I didn’t think we were good enough to win the championship,” Ferry said, explaining his motives for the move. “I thought we had a very good team. But I do believe if we have a chance to make ourselves better we should try.
“Was it a risk in doing so? Yes, it was a risk. But we’re going to have to make some decisions that have some risk in them if we want to continue to build and grow.”
Either this 11-player deal will work out for the Cavaliers. Or Ferry will be looking for a new job as the Cavaliers will be looking to make a change and let someone else lead the team forward.
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