By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
The New York Giants have released 24-year-old defensive back Will Hill. A few days ago, there was speculation that he would not return to the team after being hit with a 6-game suspension by the NFL.
He has been suspended three times since entering the league in 2012. Now, the Giants will move Stevie Brown to free safety and Antrel Rolle to strong safety.

Hill had a significant role with the Giants before his release. If he can get his head on straight, it would be a worthwhile gamble for a team to take a shot on him.
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He was Pro Football Focus’ No. 2 ranked safety last season.
In 12 games, he had 77 tackles and 2 interceptions for 38 yards, including a return for a touchdown. He also forced two fumbles and recovered one. He made two pass deflections, as well.
Hill claimed that he was wrongfully suspended by the NFL. He claimed that he failed a drug test due to “secondhand smoke from people smoking marijuana in a nightclub.”
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“He felt like he had a great chance of beating it because of the circumstances,” former Giants teammate and friend Deon Grant said, via Jordan Ranaan of “He said, ‘I’ll be honest with you. If it was something that I did, I would tell you I messed up. But I didn’t. It was an incident in a club where people were [smoking marijuana] and it got in my system. It’s not like how my urine was a certain kind of way before when I did do it. It’s the total opposite right now. They found something in my urine, but it’s not the same thing they found when I did make that mistake.’”
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