By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
The Philadelphia Eagles brought in Tim Tebow for a workout today. Tebow, who hasn’t played in the league for years, has just left the facility, according to ESPN’s Adam Schefter.
Schefty also says that the team has no interest in signing Tebow to a contract at this time. However, with the way the Eagles’ off-season is going, one can’t figure out what Chip Kelly is doing.

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Tebow, who is currently employed by ESPN through the SEC Network, hasn’t played since the 2012 season. That year, he played for the New York Jets, where he played in 12 games, yet went 6-of-8 for 39 yards.
He was behind Mark Sanchez, who recently re-signed a two-year deal with the Birds. Before coming to the Jets, he played his first two years in the NFL with the Denver Broncos.
In 2010, he played in nine games, while throwing 41-of-82 for 654 yards with five touchdowns. In 2011, he stepped in to lead the team to a shocking win over the Pittsburgh Steelers in overtime in the playoffs.
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That year, he played in 14 games, where he went 126 of 271 for 1,729 yards and 12 touchdowns. This was the best year of his short-lived NFL career.
At press time, it is not clear if this is a publicity stunt. Or if there is serious interest between Tebow and the Eagles.
Since he has been away from the game for some time, it is going to be tough for him to make any NFL roster. The odds are going to be against him.
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