By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
The only reason why this cheating aspect even matters is because it’s the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox. If this was any other teams, it would be a non issue. Period.
Even Red Sox’s Dave Dombrowski played it off. He knows that there’s been cheating in MLB since the beginning of the game.

This is nothing new. But it’s very questionable that the Yankees would allege that the Red Sox were cheating via an Apple Watch.
We’re not saying it’s not possible, but the Yankees need to release more information, or what they believe. Right now, it’s just allegations — and any team can make allegations against each other.
If the Yankees really found this out last month in Boston, why wait until now to say something? There’s something definitely fishy about that, even if Yankees GM Brian Cashman brought it up two weeks ago.
The Yankees are saying that the Red Sox were relaying messages from other catchers to Red Sox players after an individual looked at an Apple Watch.
“The only thing that I can tell you about repercussions is that to the extent that there was a violation on either side — and I’m not saying that there was — to the e tent that there was a violation on either side, we are 100 percent comfortable that it is not an ongoing issue — that if it happened, it is no longer happening,” MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred said.
These two teams have been trying to one-up each other since they became rivals decades ago. The rivalry may have started when the Red Sox traded George Herman “Babe” Ruth to the Bronx Bombers.
The Yankees are trying to get the Red Sox to lose a first-round draft pick with these allegations. If these are unfounded, New York needs to lose their first-round pick and others need to lose their job.
Any Corrections?. You can contact Anthony at [email protected].
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