Saturday, February 15, 2025

Street Outlaws’ JJ Da Boss calls out Alex Laughlin

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By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher

Memphis Street Outlaws’ JJ Da Boss (Jonathan Day) has called out NHRA Pro Stock driver Alex Laughlin on Wednesday. JJ went on a live stream a short time ago to make his claims public.

JJ Da Boss has that he will be challenging Laughlin with Ole Heavy against Laughlin’s Corvette at Crossville Dragway on April 5th and April 6. Day said he’ll race against Ole Heavy against Laughlin.

Drag Racing
Drag Racing Stock Photo (Photo by Pixabay)

Crossville Dragway is an 1/8th mile dragstrip in Crossville, Tennessee that races on Friday and Saturday night. This is an IHRA Dragstrip.

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April 5th and 6th is also the listed event of JJ’s Arm Drop Race both days. The winner of the small tire event will be $10,000 on April 5th.

In addition, April 6th will be the big tire event. The winner of this event will be $10,000.

JJ Da Boss responds after Daddy Dave [Dave Comstock] challenged Laughlin to a race. But instead of racing for $15,000, Daddy Dave wanted to race for $25,000.

“This can happen,” Laughlin wrote. “Last night, the owner of Crossville Dragway in Tennessee said he’ll pay ANY Street Outlaw Racer $15k if they can beat me at his track. Though I didn’t make the claim, I said I’d do it. Daddy Dave stepped in and expressed that if the track owner will make it $25k then he’ll come run over my little blue corvette. I agreed to put $10k of my own money up to make it the $25k he’s wished for and I sent him 4 dates to choose from.”

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JJ Da Boss will allow Laughlin to use his Drag Radial car. Laughlin recently won the Duck X Productions’ Lights Out X event at South Georgia Motorsports Park in February.

Day wants an arm drop start, chase is a race, and water burnout only.

“I don’t care about your drag radial car,” Day said in his Live stream video. “You can get Ole’ Heavy for $15,000 in Crossville April 5th and 6th. I’ll put my own money up. I don’t need anybody to put my money up. I’m not going to lie, all the MSO (Memphis Street Outlaws) is going to come up with the $15,000. It’s all going to be our money, not asking anybody else. With that said, I’m calling out Alex. The ball’s now in your court. If you want to race your drag radial car, you can race your drag radial car.”

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Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III is the Publisher of The Capital Sports Report. He has been in the Journalism field since August 2002. Since that time, Mr. Caruso has covered many marquee events. This includes 13 Heisman Trophy ceremonies, 2 Little World Series events, and one Army-Navy College Football game.
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