By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Events around Pennsylvania have been stopped due to restrictions in place by Governor Tom Wolf. The restrictions were supposed to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
However, according to WPXI 11, there was a secret agreement in place with state officials to allow a car show to take place. The secret agreement allowed this particular car show to operate with 20,000 in attendance per day.

“It’s not fair that eastern PA set up deals when we abide by rules,” said State Rep. Aaron Bernstein.
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11 Investigates obtained paperwork that showed a confidential agreement between health secretary Dr. Rachel Levine and the Carlisle Car Show. The large outdoor event took place near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
The discreet agreement allowed the Car Show to continue despite the state not operating in the green phase. At this time, all of the state is supposed to operate and obey a 250 people mandate for an outdoor setting of 25 people in an indoor setting.
The Carlisle Car Show took place for four days. The agreement allowed for a total 80,000 people over the four days.
“Governor Wolf has sent a letter to local law enforcement asking them to enforce his mask mandate, yet they’re making confidential agreements to allow large congregations of people to come together. They’re talking out of both sides of their mouths,” said Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldlinger.
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Around the state, a lot of events have been going on without spectators in attendance. Maple Grove Raceway — near Reading, Pennsylvania — lost three marquee events due to the restrictions in place by government officials.
Those events were the Street Outlaws No Prep Kings taping, the PDRA, and the NHRA national event.
The Corvettes at Carlisle is expected to take place August 27-30 at the Carlisle Fairgrounds in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The event will take place from Thursday through Sunday.
The daily admission ticket is $20. However, it’ll drop to $10 on Sunday, or it’s free for a returning customer, who purchased a ticket on a previous day.
The Corvettes at Carlisle is billed as the largest and most fun-filled Corvette event in the world.
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