Saturday, February 8, 2025

Justin Swanstrom wins his first NPK event, defeats Bird in final

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By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher

Justin Swanstrom has won his first Street Outlaws No Prep Kings event early Sunday morning. The popular YouTube star defeated Jerry Bird in the final round at South Georgia Motorsports Park in Adel, Georgia.

Swanstrom is the second winner in the third season of the popular show that will air on the Discovery Channel beginning in October. Ryan Martin won the first two events.

Street Outlaws No Prep Kings competitor and popular YouTuber Justin Swanstrom and his crew celebrates the Invitational win
Justin Swanstrom and his crew celebrates the Invitational win (Photo by Justin Swanstrom/Instagram)

With the win, Swanstrom won the NPK South Georgia Motorsports Park trophy. He also won $40,000 in cash.

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Before the event, Swanstrom posted on social media that he was making progress with his car. Little did he know, that hard work took him to the win.

In the second round of the invitational, Swanstrom took out Martin for his first loss of the season. This was a huge upset that catapulted the rest of his day.

READ MORE: Street Outlaws

This was Bird’s second NPK final round appearance of the season. He lost to Martin at the first event at National Trail Raceway in Hebron, Ohio in early June.

Speculation, though, is that the first final round did not count, as it was an exhibition and a non-points race. We’ll truly find out if that’s the case when the show airs in October, according to social media posts by teams.

Bird and his crew have been through one heck of a week. He crashed The Probe at Palm Beach International Raceway.

Then over the next seven days, his crew and others worked together to get The Probe back in one piece for this event. Bird will have to repair more damage to the car.

He crashed into the wall twice during completion on Saturday and early Sunday. The team will have some time off before the fourth race of the season.

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Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III
Anthony Caruso III is the Publisher of The Capital Sports Report. He has been in the Journalism field since August 2002. Since that time, Mr. Caruso has covered many marquee events. This includes 13 Heisman Trophy ceremonies, 2 Little World Series events, and one Army-Navy College Football game.
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