By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
There have been sports betting on drag races for a long time. But this one has to be the largest single bet on one race.
Street Outlaws No Prep Kings star Justin Swanstrom has made it clear that he is willing to put a yearly salary on the line for one race. Yes, he’s willing to risk it all.

The Florida native is willing to bet $50,000 on a drag race with Odom Racing driver John Odom. Swanstrom said that Odom brought $80,000 into his trailer last weekend at National Trail Raceway in Hebron, Ohio.
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“John Odom last weekend you brought 80k to my trailer and wanted to race,” Swanstrom said in a Facebook post. “I didn’t have 80k, but what I do have is 50k. I’m a gambler and (I) like taking risk(s) to get ahead in this sport! Let’s gamble it Friday night, win or lose I’m putting it all out there! 1 shot, 1 pass.
“10,000 on 50,000 a side! 100k pot! #swangang #NPK #kentucky #odomRacing #hormonelogics”
Swanstrom has put lock-in money on the bet. So if Odom doesn’t participate, he’s guaranteed to make $10,000.
These two drivers had a season-long bet in place for $5,000. However, after Swanstrom was involved in an accident with “Super Dave” Adkins at Maple Grove Raceway, that grudge racing bets were put on hold.
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Swanstrom had set up a $5,000 bet with Odom, Jim Howe, and Stephen Brindle for Ohio. However, due to time constraints, they were not able to get the grudge races in.
The SwanGang leader has previously won two bets against Odom this season. He won $5,000 against Odom in Ohio, as that was the only grudge race of the special grudge race that had been planned to be held on Friday night.
In Virginia, Swanstrom won a $17,000 pot in his grudge race with Odom. He had a $10,000 bet with Odom in Ohio.
It was initially believed that Swanstrom won $5,000 in Virginia. That was until the sides increased it.
If Swanstrom can pull this off, he will be able to recoup a lot of the money he lost by getting Prenup fixed in just four days. He said that he spent $100,000 during the four-day stretch when Prenup was severely damaged from being involved in an accident at Maple Grove Raceway and then made a miraculous return at New England Dragway.
This hefty bet could potentially happen this weekend at Beech Bend Raceway in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
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