By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Team Game Exchange Jet Dragsters had a rare experience last Friday. These Jet Dragsters are supposed to go straight down the groove of any dragstrip.
However, at Eddyville Raceway Park in Oskaloosa, Iowa, Team Game Exchange experienced a 360 before tagging the wall.

“I’m chucking along down the race track then the car made a hard left,” Russ Glover said in the video. “As soon as I could, I got the car shut off. I just hung on for the ride. I lightly grazed the wall. I’ve hit my head harder at other race tracks. All in all, Thank God that everything went the way it went. It turned out alright.”
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Despite the damage, the team expects to be back at the race track this weekend.
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“Eddyville, we have a problem!,” Nitro Chaos said in a Facebook post. “Team Game Exchange puts on a great show at CHAOS events across the country. It’s been great to see dueling jet dragsters as part of the show. What we saw Friday night of the second ever Nitro Chaos we didn’t expect. A jet dragster did a 360! It was caught on camera and pit reporter Lee Craft caught up with the driver the next day on what happened behind the wheel.”
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