By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Pro Slammer Rob Taylor was involved in a bad fire this weekend in Queensland, Australia. He was able to walk away from the inferno.
Taylor made a pass in his car during qualifying before he experienced a fire. Then, the fire got worse as he got near the top end.

“In one of the worst Pro Slammer fires seen, driver Rob Taylor was able to exit the vehicle on his own accord once the vehicle had come to a halt,” IHRA Australia said in a Facebook post. “Rob has been transported to hospital via ambulance with burns sustained from the incident. IHRA Australia will provide a further update as it comes to hand. We all wish Rob a speedy recovery.”
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The car was on fire for several seconds before he was able to get it under control. Taylor, who is known as “The Professor,” was eventually able to exit as there was a large fire and thick black smoke.
Taylor was participating in the Gulf Western Oil Winternationals at Willowbank Raceway when the accident happened. He had his safety equipment on, which helped save his life.
This is the second significant accident with the IHRA Australia in the last month. In May, Jim Read Racing experienced an engine backfire that injured several of its crew members.
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Several weeks later, the Jim Read Racing team returned to action. Only one of their crew members suffered a significant injury before returning to the team.
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