By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Whoever is running the All Elite Wrestling social media made a gaffe on Tuesday. This individual may not know the difference between these two franchises.
The individual behind the post confused the Arizona Cardinals, who play in the NFL, with the St. Louis Cardinals. Their athletes were at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Major League Baseball team plays at Busch Stadium. Not the Arizona Cardinals.
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“St Louis Arizona Cardinals welcome #AEW stars including AEW Women’s World Champion #ThunderRosa, FTW Champion #RickyStarks & #TeamTaz’s very own #PowerhouseHobbs throwing out the honorary first pitch!”
For those, who are not aware, the ceremonial first pitch has been going on before baseball games for a long time. The guests throw out a first pitch near the pitching mound to a catcher behind the plate before the start of a game.
These ceremonial first pitches date back to the 1890s. This is when a mayor, governor, or celebrity threw out the first pitch.
Former Ohio Governor William McKinley is credited with throwing out the first ceremonial first pitch between two teams, Toledo and Columbus, in 1892.
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The stars are in the area for Wednesday’s filming of AEW Dynamite and Rampage at the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis. The show will begin at 6 pm local time.
This will be AEW’s first visit to the arena since November 5th, 2021. This show was originally scheduled for an earlier date; however, it had to be rescheduled.
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