By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
An unnamed Sprint Car driver was injured late Monday night in Oregon. According to the Rural Metro Fire Department, a test drive led to the person going to the hospital.
The driver suffered moderate injuries. The incident happened at the Hog Creek Boat Ramp.

“Evidently, the throttle stuck, and the vehicle left the road, hitting a tree,” the Fire Department said in a post. “The impact and position of the vehicle required Rural Metro Fire crews to use the jaws of life to extricate the driver, by removing parts of the roll cage. The driver was transported by AMR to Three Rivers Hospital. The JoCo Sheriff’s Office is investigating further.
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“Even with the roll cage, injuries would have likely been less-serious had a helmet also been used.”
It appears that the unnamed driver crashed into a tree. There was damage to a tree, according to photos that were shared in the post.
We do not know the name of the driver.
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“Hey guys, this is his step-son,” a person named Ameliano Vallerga said in a Facebook comment to the Fire Department post. “He was testing the ignition and oil in a secluded parking lot, and he wasn’t “joy-riding” like people think he was and like this article says. Unfortunately, the brakes failed in the final test and this happened. I was there, and I saw him zoom out of control and vanish into the foliage.
“I would like to thank everyone involved for the help, and please stay safe.”
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