By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Alpha Romeo driver Zhou Guanyu escaped serious injury on Sunday. He was involved in a scary crash on the opening lap of the 2022 British Grand Prix at Silverstone Circuit in Silverstone, England.
Guanyu had gone to go a medical center following the accident. He took to Twitter to update the fans on his condition.

“I’m ok, all clear,” Guanyu said in a tweet. “Halo saved me today. Thanks, everyone for your kind messages!”
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Formula One has been using the Halo for several seasons. Guanyu’s life is not the only life that has been saved from accidents since it was installed by race teams.
As the teams were going into the opening corner of the race, Guanyu was hit by another car. The impact caused the Japanese driver to flip upside down.
His car slides and spins from the grid into the grass. As it gets closer to the catch fence, Guanyu’s car flips up and over the tires.
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His car was then wedged in between the tires and the catch fence. Track officials had to use a crane to remove the car from being wedged.
Guanyu was transported to a medical center for further treatment. Later after being checked out, Guanyu was given the all-clear.
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