By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
During the filming of an episode of the Street Outlaws 405 small tire show, Jeff Lutz was defeated by 405 racer Felicia Smith. On the night, she improved to 2-0 as she was 1-0 coming into the race.
The two cars used had a 50-year difference, according to Shawn “Murder Nova” Ellington in the post.

Smith got a huge jump on Lutz early on in the race. She then put a gap between the two cars.
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Lutz, the former Drag Week winner, was to about half-track when Smith crossed the finish line.
Ellington felt like she was going to smoke the tires. However, Kamikaze Chris did not have that same feeling.
“Totally my fault,” Lutz said. “Some (expletive) must not have had boost. In the race against Felicia, Shawn banged the light and we left together. Then, my car fell on its face. It was like it shut off. She was just driving out of my life. Junior has to get it figured out. We can’t be losing like this.”
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The Street Outlaws 405 small tire show was filmed this last July in Oklahoma. This was during a six week break for the Street Outlaws No Prep Kings tour.
The episode of this race recently aired on the Discovery Channel.
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