By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
According to 10-time X Games medalist Kenny Bartram, who goes by CowboyKenny690 on social media, Matt Buyten was injured during a Lakewood, Colorado qualifier. He was competing in the Loretta Lynn qualifier.
We do not know the extent of the injuries at this time. However, Bartram said that he would need surgery.

“Please pray for Matt Buyten 195,” Bartram said in a Facebook post. “Cuz Matt apparently got a little too awesome today and took a gnarly digger at the Lakewood CO Loretta Lynn qualifier. He’s gonna have a very long road to recovery.
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“So please wrap him in prayers and Lord guide the surgeons tomorrow with a healing touch! You will always be the King of Captains Cuz!”
Buyten is a former Monster Truck driver. He also is a seven-time X Games Gold Medalist.
After driving the Metal Mulisha Monster Truck, he thought that a full-time ride would come. But that never did. Eventually, he went back to riding his dirt bike around the world.
The Lakewood Colorado Loretta Lynn Qualifier was the second one in the South Central Region. The first qualifier was at the Oak Hill Raceway – Youth Regional.
The Colorado event was an Amateur Regional.
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A story posted on Buyten’s Instagram has him about to launch from a gate. Leading up to the race, Buyten thanked people for getting him to the race.
“Thank you to everyone that helped me get to this point to the Loretta’s regional qualifier here,” Buyten said as he thanked sponsors. “There’s some Jeff Emig guy and I believe a A. Short fella in the class so we will do what we can to get in the Top 6 and punch that ticket hopefully!.”
Please pray for Matt Buyten 195 ! Cuz Matt apparently got a little too awesome today, and took a gnarly digger at the…
Posted by CowboyKenny690 on Sunday, June 23, 2024
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