Davis Mills was a college football player. He played for the Stanford Cardinal from 2018 through 2020.
Mills was a backup to K.J. Costello during the 2018 season. He also began the 2019 season as the backup to Costello.
Davis Mills drops back to throw the football against the Cal Bears (Photo by Davis Mills/Instagram)
However, following an injury, Mills started six of the team’s eight games. He had 504 passing yards — a school record at the time — against the Washington State Cougars.
He went 158 of 241 for 1,960 yards in 2019. He also threw 11 touchdown passes and five interceptions.
In his three-year career, Mills went 287 of 438 for 3,468 yards in 14 games with the Cardinal. He had 18 touchdown passes and eight interceptions.
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