By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
With Tebowmania now coming to the New York/New Jersey area, it has given a newly acquired quarterback the cold shoulder. The New York Jets signed Drew Stanton to a one-year, $1.25 million contract on March 16th.
Now, he wants to be traded or even be released from the contract after the addition of Tim Tebow. We will have to see what the team does with his request.

Tebow was acquired by the Jets last night from the Denver Broncos. In addition, Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum was noncommittal about Stanton’s future last night on a conference call announcing the official trade of Tebow.
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“We’ll see,” said Tannenbaum. “… When we signed Drew, we didn’t think (Tebow) was a possibility.”
Tebow is expected to back up Mark Sanchez on the depth chart. Stanton would only be ahead of Greg McElroy on the quarterback depth chart.
Stanton last played in a game with the Detroit Lions in 2010. That season, he went 69-of-119 for 780 yards in six games.
He also had 4 touchdowns to three interceptions. In addition, he added 18 rushes for 113 yards and another touchdown.
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He also appeared in seven games with the Lions combined over the 2008 and 2009 seasons. In 2009, he had a career-high six interceptions with zero touchdowns.
In Tebow’s second season in the NFL, he went 7-4 in 11 starts. He made 14 appearances overall.
Tebow went 126 of 271 for 1,729 yards. He had 12 touchdown passes and six interceptions.
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