By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
The Street Outlaws Memphis team has won the Street Outlaws: Fastest in America once again. The team won the inaugural event in 2019, as well.
Like the first season of the show, the same two teams faced each other in the final round in the second season. It was the Street Outlaws Memphis team against the Street Outlaws New Orleans team.

With the win, team Memphis gets to split the $100,000 grand prize. The taping of the show was in Casper, Wyoming.
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“We are the champions my friends,” Memphis Street Racer JJ DaBoss put in a video on his Facebook page. We do not know when Pilgrim Studios and the Discovery Channel will elect to air this show at this time.
No trailer has aired on the Discovery Channel yet to announce when the show will air. This new season of Fastest in America could air first on the Discovery Channel.
The original Street Outlaws (Oklahoma City) could potentially follow. Or vice versa.
We do know that the original Street Outlaws are also in filming right now. Their season even had to be briefly stopped when Chuck Seitsinger got sick with the coronavirus.
We’re told that Team New Orleans had to go through a new team Black Sheep Mafia in order to reach the finale against Team Memphis. Black Sheep Mafia is made up of a few members of the Team New Orleans, who took part in the initial show in 2019.
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While many state regulations around the country do not allow large gatherings due to the coronavirus, it’ll be interesting to see how the show is taped. We do not know if the teams will have to wear masks and social distance during the taping yet.
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