By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Sprint Car driver Kenny Heffner has gone to social media to tell the world what happened on Wednesday night at Bedford Speedway in Pennsylvania. He got into an accident with a Late Model car.
According to the video on the Kenny Heffner Racing page, several Sprint Car drivers, including Heffner, were approaching a corner in the track when a Late Model car attempted to go across the track. The Late Model had been in the infield.

“Never thought that when racing sprint cars, I would be in a wreck with a Late Model,” Heffner said. “Our car suffered major damage in this wreck with hopefully the frame being able to be repaired. (The) Radio said (the) track is clear and to catch (up to the) pace truck, when I entered turn 3, I was surprised to see a late model crossing the track. There’s a video on our page of (the) incident just fast forward to 1:40. I was so furious about this last night (Wednesday night) but what got me most is Bedford (Speedway is) not taking responsibility.
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Heffner — who finished last in the 305 Sprint 21 Lap feature — said that the track blamed it on a flagman. He also wanted the track to take responsibility for the incident.
He is also asking the driver of the Late Model to take responsibility, too. The driver of the Late Model was not named in the post.
“When he finally (came to) talk to me, he said, it’s not their fault,” Heffner said. “Their corner flagman told him to stop and that he didn’t listen. But watch (the) video and I don’t see a flagman. Bedford Speedway should take responsibility and so should the driver of the Late Model. I’m looking at a lot of money to rebuild and they are offering $175 to buy a new front tire.
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“Wow. Thank you so much lol. I hate this for all our sponsors and my crew. We will rebuild and be back. Hopefully, nothing like this happens in the future.”

This was Bedford Speedway’s first event of July. It was the Firecracker ’76 that featured Late Model Sportsman $3,000 to win with Racesaver Sprint Cars and Semi Lates.
Video of the Incident:
Posted by Kenny Heffner Racing on Thursday, July 4, 2024
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