Karl Mecklenburg

Karl Mecklenburg was an NFL player. He spent his entire career with the Denver Broncos from 1983 through 1994.

He was the team’s 12th round draft pick in the 1983 NFL Draft. He was the 310th overall selection in the draft.

Football (Photo by Pixabay)

Mecklenburg was a six-time Pro Bowler in his career. He was also a three-time All-Pro.

In his career, he has appeared in 180 games. He started 141 games.

Mecklenburg had 1,118 yards. He also had 79 sacks. He had a career-high 13.0 sacks during the 1985 season.

He also had five interceptions. He had 16 forced fumbles and 14 fumble recoveries. He returned two fumble recoveries for touchdowns.

Mecklenburg had two career games. In each game, he had four sacks.

The first time was in a win over the New Orleans Saints on Sept. 15, 1985, when he had the aforementioned four sacks. Several months later, he also had a monstrous game with another four-sack performance in a win over the Pittsburgh Steelers on December 1st, 1985.

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