By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Street Outlaws No Prep Kings driver Chris Rankin has announced via social media that his property was robbed. He has turned to social media to ask for help.
The police are investigating the crime. Rankin said in the video that it was likely amateurs who committed the crime.

It does not appear that his house was robbed. However, it appears that his garage was robbed. And he said the criminals attempted to take a trailer but it was connected to a truck.
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Plus, he said that the criminals took the dirt bikes down his driveway and loaded them up outside of the property. Some stickers were removed on their way to loading up, he said.
In a follow-up post, he said, “looking like possibly air tagged placed on Caden’s truck to my place from Maple Grove.” Rankin was at Maple Grove Raceway this weekend for the Street Outlaws No Prep Kings filming.
One of Rankin’s dirt bikes was stolen in the crime. But he was more concerned about his son’s bikes which were also stolen. In total, the post says that five bikes were stolen.
The following bikes were stolen:
2020 yzf450 blue #74
2009 rmz 450 yellow #73
2020 yz 85 blue #76
2023 kx 112 green #76
2024 yz450 retro white and purple 50th no #s anniversary edition
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Rankin said that his logos were also on most of the bikes. The logos include the C2 Crane and Tree sponsor logos and the C2 Concrete Sponsor logos.
The Pennsylvania-based driver said that he would be offering a reward. However, at press time, it is not clear what the reward is.
He said that he would have to talk to his insurance company first before offering a reward.
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