By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Murder Nova won his first Street Outlaws No Prep Kings Invitational on Saturday at Virginia Motorsports Park in North Dinwiddie, Virginia. Shawn Ellington defeated Justin Swanstrom in the final round of the winners’ bracket.
With the win, Ellington took home $30,000 for the achievement. However, despite the win, there were no points awarded for the win.

For those that do not know; points will begin to be awarded during the fourth race of the season.
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“Want to give a shout out to one of my hero’s I grew up watching on YouTube an in the streets on his first NPK win tonight,” Lil’ Legend Bobby Ducote said in a Facebook post. “Congrats Murder Nova you (and) your team did the dam thing (Saturday) even (though) we race together, I’m still a fan 💪🏼”
Both drivers debuted new cars one week ago at the season-opening at Maple Grove Raceway in Mohnton, Pennsylvania. Ellington went from a blacked-out car to a new white car.
Instead of changing its name, the new white car that’s sponsored by Ram Jack will keep the Murder Nova name, according to a social media post.
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Swanstrom had posted that he was testing in the days leading up to Virginia. He also debuted a new car at Maple Grove called Bad Blood which is sponsored by Hormone Logics.
Ellington snapped Kye Kelley’s win streak at Virginia. Kelley had won the three previous events in the state.
“Huge congrats to our good friend Shawn!,” Boosted GT Chris Hamilton said in a Facebook post. “He finally got him one. Love ya buddy and super happy for ya!”
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