Justin “Big Chief” Shearer

Justin “Big Chief” Shearer is a street racer. He was commonly featured on Street Outlaws.

While on Street Outlaws, he served as the race master. He also was one of the prominent racers on the show.

Justin “Big Chief” Shearer
Justin “Big Chief” Shearer (Photo by Midwest Street Cars Automotive)

The Street Outlaws began on the Discovery Channel in 2013. For nearly a decade, he was featured on the show.

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Outside of the OG 405 show, Shearer also appeared on several spin-offs of the Street Outlaws show. He has one win in the Street Outlaws No Prep Kings show.

In 2022, Shearer decided to part ways with the Street Outlaws series. His former best friend Shawn “Murder Nova” Ellington began the race master for America’s List show that began airing in March.

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Despite not being on the show, Shearer will remain a race at Big Tire events. He claims he will only return for the OG 405 show.

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