By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
Street Outlaws No Prep Kings star Lizzy Musi has revealed a new update on her health. It is her first update in 2024.
She said that her “outlook (is) not so great.”

“Everything is stable (lymph nodes and beast all remain very small size). (The) Liver is very difficult and not responsive to treatment,” Musi said in a Facebook post. “One liver lesion has (grown) from 4cm to 8 cm. Because of the outcome and time, they decided to start a standard protocol right now. I started lipsome Doxil.
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“I just had my new infusion 20 min ago. This team is also known to be called the red devil. These last few days have been brutal for me.”
Musi announced last year that she had Stage 4 Breast Cancer. Despite the diagnosis, Musi did the impossible by completing the grueling Street Outlaws No Prep Kings schedule. She competed in every race as a member of Team Kye Kelley.
She also had to deal with the drama of a breakup with Kye Kelley last year. It was revealed that Kelley had missed her doctors’ appointments as he focused on making money for his race team.
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The 2024 Street Outlaws No Prep Kings schedule has not been announced yet. However, with this latest development, it is yet to be determined if Musi will have to miss time as she battles for her life with her breast cancer diagnosis.
It is not clear at this time if Pilgrim Studios profiled Musi and Mike Murillo’s cancer treatments as they also competed throughout last season. At this time, it is not clear when Street Outlaws No Prep Kings will debut on the Discovery Channel.
We will have to wait and see.
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