By Anthony Caruso III | Publisher
According to Drag Illustrated, Street Outlaws No Prep Kings star Lizzy Musi will take a break from the touring series. It is not clear how long she will be away at this point.
The news comes just days after she advanced to the Invitational final round at Empire Dragway in Leicester, New York. Fellow No Prep Kings star Justin Swanstrom won the first points race of the season.

The final round against Swanstrom was her second of the season. She was defeated by Jeff Lutz in the 2nd Chance bracket final round at New Hampshire Dragway & Motorsports Park in Epping, New Hampshire.
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Musi has been very open about her breast cancer battle. And, according to the article, she will head to Europe to get treatment.
“I’ve kind of tried everything here (in the U.S.), and I’ve researched the doctor and treatment in Germany that can isolate my liver and treat it,” Musi said, according to the story.
She had been receiving treatment at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas.
The popular drag racer announced that she had Stage 4 Breast Cancer in 2023. As we posted earlier this year, she gave an update on her condition.
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“The medical system in this country just isn’t what it is in Europe,” Pat Musi said, according to the story. “Lizzy did all the research on this doctor and the treatment, and he reassured her that he could help. They’re way advanced from where we are, and they don’t have all these FDA regulations.”
Last August, she won her first Street Outlaws race since her cancer announcement. She defeated Robin Roberts at Tulsa.
The Street Outlaws No Prep Kings are making their first trip to Flying H Drag Strip this Memorial Day weekend. The tour is in Odessa, Missouri for the next two days.
The tour will continue next weekend at National Trail Raceway in Hebron, Ohio. The tour will compete there on May 31st and June 1st.
Following a weekend off, the tour heads to Beech Bend Raceway Park in Bowling Green, Kentucky. They will be there to race on June 7th and 8th.
The drivers will have another weekend off before heading to Brainerd International Raceway in Brainerd, Minnesota. The tour will race there on June 21st and 22nd.
The No Prep Kings will then go to Cordova Dragway the following weekend. They will race there in Cordova, Illinois on June 28th and 29th.
Their final race weekend before a five-week break is at Xtreme Raceway Park in Ferris, Texas. The teams will compete there on July 5th and 6th.
Depending on how long Musi is sidelined with this treatment, she could potentially miss all of these races before returning in August.
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